A Breezy Follow-Up in the Grand Scheme of Things
Pretty much anyone out there who had the chance to see Avengers: Infinity War knows that this franchise had nowhere to go but smaller (literally) after the events of that movie. With the release of Ant-Man and the Wasp looming around the corner, I found myself quite intrigued in returning to these characters and having a much more relaxing theatre experience. What I’ll start this off by stating is if you didn’t care very much for the first Ant-Man film, then this addition probably won’t do too much to win you over, but I had a blast with the first film. For myself, this film may even be slightly better than its predecessor, due to the furthering of characters and giving itself a solid place in this franchise as a whole. If you enjoy following the Marvel Cinematic Universe, here’s why I believe you’re in for another fun experience at the movies.

Promotional Artwork for Ant-Man and the Wasp [Credit: Marvel Studios]
If for nothing else, I think your trip to the theatre will be well worth it for the laughs alone. Not just for a superhero comedy, but I honestly haven’t laughed so hard at the theatre in a while. There are a few sequences throughout this film (with a standout scene taking place in a grade school) that almost had me in tears laughing. The way they use the shrinking technology in certain instances here is absolutely brilliant. The visual gags are what bring these movies to another level and Ant-Man and the Wasp is no exception to that notion. On top of the humour, these characters are just as likeable as always.
Check out KJ's Review of #AntMan via @Yeahflix. Click To TweetMichael Douglas is very solid in his role as Hank Pym, Michelle Pfeiffer is pretty great in the short screen time she receives, and Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly’s chemistry is something that just leaps off the screen, but I was sort of fascinated with the character of Ava/Ghost (the villain) played by actress Hannah John-Kamen. When this film begins, she seems like a throwaway villain in order to have a longer running time for the movie, but her backstory is quite strong and I felt that she was one of the stronger characters that this film had to offer.
In the end, it’s hard to get into specifics when you’re trying to stay secretive about a film like this, but I have no trouble in recommending this movie to everyone. It’s a comedy for people who crave good humour, a solid action flick for the junkies out there, and a solidly written superhero movie that fits in nicely within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes, there are quite a few plot holes and some of the humour goes a little too far, especially in a few of the dramatic moments, but this movie is just a great ride to take at the movies, plain and simple. On top of having a blast with this movie, there is a sequence throughout the credits that needs to be seen, so stick around. I can’t wait to see more of these characters.
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KJ's Review of Ant-Man and the Wasp
Ant-Man and the Wasp fits in nicely within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes, there are quite a few plot holes and some of the humour goes a little too far, especially in a few of the dramatic moments, but this movie is just a great ride to take at the movies, plain and simple.
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